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North Dakota Names Landfill After Obama


Reports of a landfill in North Dakota being named after President Obama after an overwhelming 35-10 vote by the state Senate. The measure is expected to be signed into law by Governor Jack Dalrymple. Determination:Hoax

Do not believe this one.  The source for this iRumor is a satire website called the Daily Currant

According to the website's about page all stories posted on the site are purely fictional.

One dead giveaway that there was an attempt at humor was the quote when the article quoted Republican State Senator Doug Perlman, "We wanted to do something to honor the president.”  Perlman, who the article said was the lead sponsor of the bill, added  “And I think a pile of garbage is a fitting tribute to Obama’s presidency."

There is no Doug Perlman among the North Dakota Senators.  

President Obama Landfill in North Dakota

Posted 11/23/14

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